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Kristian True

Updated: Apr 7, 2020

With everyone on order to stay home, we at KOTA have developed a bit of cabin fever as well as a bit of creativity during these trying times. With that said, to provide some comedic relief and put a smile on everyone's faces we initiated a company Lip Sync Battle contest.

Take a look at some of the videos below and leave a comment on which is your favorite. Winner will be announced tomorrow!!

1.) KOTA Quarantine

From our San Diego Office we have the talented crew of Craig Crespo, Adrian Jazynka, Alex Beara, & Jon Langmack "taking the day off" while on Quarantine.

2.) We Belong to Door Knocking

From our East Bay Office, we have yours truly, Kristian True, showing us a funny take on how the quarantine has taken us away from the doors we so love to knock.

3.) "Someday" KOTA Energy Group Music Video

Also from our East Bay Office, we get to see three lyric filled reps, Charles Wolliston, Lelen Rummo, & Anthony Braccio give their take on how we everything will be back to normal "Someday"

4.) Circle of Life Dance KOTA

The leaders of our East Bay Office, Alex Smith & Trevor McAlees, show us what it takes to be a lion in our pride and see if you "can really dance".

5.) Life is Good

The East Bay Office continues to compete with another duo, Maximo Hoguin & Dan Healy, showing us how even though times are tough, "Life is Good".


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